The Skinny Showcase: Laura Porteous
Laura Porteous graduated from Gray's School of Art in Aberdeen in 2015.
Her degree show work went on to be displayed in The Skinny Showcase exhibition, part of Edinburgh Art Festival. She has been selected for RSA New Contemporaries, coming to Edinburgh in spring 2016.
“Spatial understanding and representation is the main concept behind my work, and it is the research of this subject that determines the outcome of my works. A system-based approach is used where rules and guidelines play a key role throughout the entire process of making.
“Mondrian is a great influence within my work and my interest in the subject of spatialism. His limited use of colour in its purest form is clean and bold, only using primary colours (blue, red and yellow) as well as black and white. This is something I have adopted this year as it allows me to focus on other aspects of my work such as the effects of different materials and the process used to apply and manipulate them. Origami techniques applied to the paintings are mainly what create the effects displayed.
“Comprehending space and the fourth dimension, if it in fact exists, are regulative principles in my practice, encouraging viewers to consider the physical mass materials consume. Deterioration has become a significant aspect as it could be considered a visual representation of the fourth dimension, which many theorists believe to be time. Producing a work that can demonstrate age, or perhaps become a time based piece that transforms with duration is something I am keen to create.”