Apply Within @ Pleasance Courtyard
We enter to the sound of tapping on a typewriter before the cast burst into a close harmony on the back-stabbing and competitive nature of the job market. We're taught, in song, that if you want to write a good CV you have to be Economical with the Facts, but you have to be careful or you might be out on your ear for being overqualified.
There are some really hilarious moments, and there's skilful choreography (by Grant Murphy). The stand out performances are the female lead Lizzie Carter-Fox, playing Sophie, who, in one facial expression, can speak a thousand words; and Ian Lilley who plays miscellaneous roles, varying his body language and intonation to exude character in each of them.
In one highlight moment the protagonist is offered the "Deal of a Lifetime" in a song that simply oozes sexuality. This fawning over a job as if it were a love interest links with the self defeating desperation of other part of the show, such as a flatmate suggests that the reason why our hero can't get a job is because he wants it too badly and should "chill the f&%k out!"
The score is firmly in the musical theatre tradition and given the contemporary themes this is not always to its credit. But having said that, the composition is never less than competent.
Apply Within is a really funny show with some great moments of observational humour. The show uses pre-recorded music so it's hard to envisage on the Big Stage at present, but what better place to start than Pleasance Courtyard at the Fringe?
Apply Within, Pleasance Courtyard, 3 -28 aug 2011, 1.30pm