Applied Optimism
Alex Marion has a positive take on everything. A big-hearted ex-raver who now teaches disadvantaged teenagers, he offers a refreshing tonic in today’s cynical world. In this assured stand-up show, he makes the case for alcohol abuse as a path to salvation, the correct spelling of swear words as literary achievement, and joining the BNP as a way of tackling racism. If you’re feeling jaded this show will do its very best to perk you up.
Marion has a relaxed stage presence as he delivers some intelligent social comment, expansive word play and the odd clever one-liner. The highlight, though, is a glorious simulation of an acid house rave; stupidly-named dance moves and thumping beats into the bargain. It brings the era flooding back for those who remember it, and spreads some warm fuzzies around those who don’t.
Uplifting, straightforward comedy.
Applied Optimism 8 Aug Sin Club and Lounge 6-9, 11-16, 18-23, 25-27 Aug 18.45 Free