Mike Wozniak: Take the Hit
With his fantastic moustache, floppy bow tie and natty 70s sequined backdrop, Mike Wozniak appears to be a showbiz throwback. His material relies primarily on murderous feelings towards his mother-in-law, so could be considered anachronistic. But it's not at all.
His self-effacing manner and elegant interaction with the front row is a pleasure. Life living with his wife's parents is recounted in detail, under the guise that this is just an aside, and it's hilarious. With a less sure performer it could be standard and stale, but Wozniak makes it fresh, and his natural charm delivers each thought with aplomb. We're treated to wonderful moments as he acts out dialogues and moments of reflection with confidence, ease and impeccable timing.
The crowd reacts well, and in the main he has its attention, successfully making light of any shortcomings while taking questions from the floor and asking for comment. However, the quantity of material doesn't quite fill the hour, and things get a little baggy before the final piece. The show feels just a little lacking. It's a real pity, because what there is, is beautifully constructed and delivered. [Simon Pattullo]