Edd Hedges @ Gilded Balloon
Edd Hedges continues to tell stories with considerable maturity in a strong sophomore hour
Edd Hedges is committed to being one of the most disarming performers you’ll come across this Fringe. This is both for the benefit of audience members who might be weary of comics picking them to be a part of their shows, and for Hedges who by his own admission, is far more terrified of you than you are of him.
For Eva, From Forever Ago is tailor made for anyone wanting a break from the aforementioned shows, more storytelling than stand-up as Hedges says. If you don’t like the jokes, you might like the stories, he begins.
He's a very calm and reassuring presence, it’s a pleasure to be in Hedges company. By his own conceit, he often stretches stories further than his jokes which can be both a pleasure and a curse. For Eva, From Forever Ago is both heartfelt and personal. It is a show about traumatic moments, ones that have shaped Hedges moulding him into the person and act he is today. His storytelling is both vivid and engaging, often weaving together stories that create a fantastically rich picture in the mind of the audience (not above gasping at the appropriate times). A recommendation for anyone looking for a more atmospheric storytelling hour than usually found at the festival.
Edd Hedges: For Eva, From Forever Ago, Gilded Balloon, Teviot Row House (Balcony), 1-26 Aug (not 13), 4pm, £6-10
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