Grimes @ Glasgow ABC, 13 Mar
"If you're looking for your dream girl / I'll never be your dream girl," Claire Boucher sings, beaming, on mid-set track Butterfly. There's no mistaking her intent. During her four-album career she's been glamourised as an introspective genius here to confirm all your manic pixe dream girl fetishes – and last November, with her break-out record Art Angels, she put paid to that special brand of patronising nonsense. The album stands as a brave, prescient collection of songs that showcase her powerful, weird imagination in hypereal colour, and her live show is testimony.
Glow-in-the-dark chaos reigns as Grimes takes center stage, flanked by three stands of keys and synth pads, her support-act/back-up vocals pal HANA and two dancers who combine the steely gaze of bodyguards with joyful, exuberant choreography. A hyperactive drum-breat sets the pace, and never once lets up for the hour which follows – a breathless, flat-out trajectory through Grimes' loudest, most vivid tracks to date. Racing from the front of the stage to the back, delivering vocals, tweaking knobs and almost tripping up her troupe, Boucher is a fireball and a loved-up, sold-out crowd reacts to her every move: hands in the air from opener Genesis right through to the high-kickin' fist-pumps of closer Kill V. Maim.
Bouncing from the ethereal EDM of Flesh Without Blood to the gutteral antics of Scream, tracks blur – only to be broken up by Boucher's effusive between-tracks chatter. She introduces at least three songs as her "favourite." Older cuts like Be A Body and Oblivion appear reformed – harder, faster – so as not to slow the show for a single second. But in a set so relentless, a moment of their originally intricate, blissed-out detail would have been welcomed – if only to make the highs feel even higher. There's no time, no room for subtlety... but it makes for an undeniable spectacle.