Ubre Blanca – Polygon Mountain EP

Single Review by Bram E. Gieben | 11 Nov 2013
Single title: Polygon Mountain
Artist: Ubre Blanca
Label: Clan Destine
Release date: 16 Nov

Every track on Ubre Blanca's debut EP is a thrill in its own way, but it's the 12-minute epic title track which provides the biggest. The influences – Kraftwerk, Moroder, Goblin, even Jan Hammer – are worn with casual flair and no attempts to hide behind notions of originality. Rather, they revel in their similarity to classic 70s and 80s synth soundtrack aesthetics, producing modern analogues of the moods and atmospheres created by these originators, and envisioning a future which is familiar, but rarely more exquisitely realised.

Like Com Truise or Ogre, there are modern flourishes in their production, anchored by the tight, precise drumming of ex-Divorce skin-basher Andy Brown. But it's Joel Stone's towering, defiantly arpeggiated synth riffs which dominate, providing moments of unalloyed, nostalgic joy. 
