The Cribs - Ignore The Ignorant
The addition of iconic Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr brings discernible maturity to the structure of The Cribs' fourth album. While still guitar-heavy and frantic in places, the riffs that made their earlier tracks (Men's Needs, Our Bovine Public) memorable are extended beyond the chorus, with Marr’s axe gently guiding the band away from its tendency to ricochet through songs. Without compromising the lyrical sarcasm that seals their popularity, Ignore the Ignorant places emphasis on melody and pacing. City of Bugs shines as the most Smiths-like number, with a melancholy, slowly building guitar chiming alongside a militaristic drumbeat. Save Your Secrets showcases unexpectedly lush harmonies, tastefully reminding the listener that there are pretty voices beneath the screeching punk posturing. While the scornful sentiment and appealing aural chaos of former Cribs records is still in evidence, there can be no doubt that Marr’s influence has exposed the tender, more endearing side of the brothers Jarman.