A Silver Mt. Zion - 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons

Drums war with guitar and violin to create a pulpit for Menuck's convictive mantras

Album Review by Dave Kerr | 06 Mar 2008
Album title: 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons
Artist: A Silver Mt. Zion
Label: Constellation

I just want some action / No heroes on my radio! begs Efrim Menuck from deep inside the belly of this psychedelic din. Montreal's ever-dabbling Silver Mt. Zion might have spent the last few years refining this four song odyssey of slow burning crescendo-friendly peaks and valleys, yet 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons still retains an air of spontaneity. Drums war with guitar and violin to create a pulpit for Menuck's convictive mantras – see "1,000,000 died to make this sound!" or "The hangman's got a hard-on!" – a combination of pious sloganeering and primal, punch-drunk bawling that sometimes threatens to out-bombast the music. But then the pleading subsides and a wailing instrumental thunder with hints of early Sabbath is given the room it needs to sprawl out and roar. And in the quietening aftermath we're left to consider how effectively ASMZ responded to Menuck's earlier call to arms. I'd say very. [Dave Kerr]

Release Date: 10 Mar
