Willem Maker - New Moon Hand
Given his sinister backstory, there were few career paths, other than that of the gruff, contemplative blues singer, which were realistically available to Willem Maker. Having battled with severe mental illness and manic episodes for years, originally attributed to bipolar disorder, Maker was eventually diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning: an excess of lead and mercury in his bloodstream resulting from industrial dumping near his childhood home. Thus, some years later, he embarks on his second full-length collection of rasping, melancholy blues and country, drawing heavily from his tainted past (see the obviously autobiographical Lead + Mercury). Off The Beaten Track is delicately flavoured with the contemporary throughout, thanks to some pleasingly unconventional electric guitar work. Standout track The Greatest Hit is gentle of pace and laced with mandolin, while White Ladye and Stars Fell On channel a youthful Rolling Stones. Bearing similarities to Springsteen's Nebraska and latter-day Tom Waits elsewhere, New Moon Hand is for the most part an enjoyable and touching affair.