24-26 Calton Road | Edinburgh EH8 8DP
Phone: 0131 558 3758
The Studios have been around for as long as most students have been alive. A well-loved and eclectic venue, offering a fun and easy-going environment to party in despite the dark walls and floors. It's a wee bit out of the way, but if you're looking for something a little different then we advise checking out what's on offer. Nights such as Balkanarama – a Balkan musical orgy, as it's been described – offer a new take on hitting the town, while other nights range from punk to rock to indie (oft by way of some electro or rockabilly). Be warned though – S24 claim to be the only truly underground venue in Edinburgh with a variety of 'alt' stylings, so double check the listings to make sure you're getting your preferred cup of musical tea. Genre roulette is a dangerous game.
The building itself has a history as diverse as its events programme, having been built as an engineering factory, before evolving into a TV Studio and a cinema. The staff at S24 have grand plans to reinvigorate the local band scene after the closures of music venues like the Venue and Picture House by transforming the business into a charitable organisation which provides training and performance opportunities for local musicians. That in mind, keep an eye on S24 in the future for what could be a hefty and necessary spit'n'polish of our local music scene. In the meantime, why not check out that Balkan muscial orgy?
Studio 24
24-26 Calton Road
Edinburgh EH8 8DP
Phone: 0131 558 3758
Web: http://studio24club.co.uk/
Email: caltonrdstudio24@gmail.com