Grey Wolf Studios

131 Craighall Road | Glasgow G4 9TN

Another addition to the ever-regenerating Spiers Lock community, Grey Wolf Studios is a newly-refurbished hub of creative activity, serving as a working studio for some 19 members, with backgrounds and skills encompassing a wide range of disciplines including painting, sculpture, film making, writing and comedy.

Located near The Whiskey Bond, the space is yet another collective step away from the city centre to the North of the city, reaching towards Possil and Springburn. Rents are cheap, and surroundings (and thus distractions) are sparse. All the more reason to keep an eye on their website for updates and events, and have a mosey on down.

The summer 2012 opening night demonstrated the space's potential as a gallery and venue. A small labyrinth of pokey offices, secret doors and ageing furniture gives the place a magnificently ramshackle feel, and the utterly impractical balcony stage makes for a rather special gigging experience. Grey Wolf really bristles with a spirit of feverous activity and defiance when full.


Grey Wolf Studios
131 Craighall Road
Glasgow G4 9TN

Grey Wolf Studios
